Critical Librarianship Reading Group:
An MLIS Student Experience
Lightning Talk | Monday, May 17, 2021 | 2:45 – 4:00pm EST
In order to supplement a lack of critical librarianship in our LIS curriculum, the executive committee of the ALA Student Chapter at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee created a reading group to explore topics related to diversity, equity, and inclusion. This group focused on theoretical analysis of the field and conversations throughout library scholarship and surrounding community. We invited students to propose articles and lead a discussion around a topic they were passionate about and asked UWM faculty to provide insight into how these topics related to their own work. Our lightening talk will address how we planned and implemented this group, and how others could modify it to meet the goals of their own institution.
Presenters: Elizabeth Kamper, Victoria Peters & Emily Voss
Elizabeth Kamper, MLIS, is the Information Literacy Librarian and an Assistant Professor at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville. She has been teaching information literacy in academic libraries for the past eight years. Elizabeth specializes in teaching first-year student research skills and creates online learning objects to support distance learning.
Victoria Peters is the Scholarly Communication and Cataloging Librarian at DePauw University in Greencastle, Indiana where she is responsible for metadata creation and maintenance in the library catalog and management of the campus institutional repository. She received her MLIS and MM in Music History from the University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee.
Emily Voss is the Outreach and Engagement Librarian for Wesleyan University. Working with staff across the organization, she promotes library collections, resources, services, and events. She also collaborates with the broader campus community to build programming that help students feel seen, supported, and empowered as they move through their academic careers.